This was a longer pose. I used graphite. I looked to reduce the subject to shapes to start with, relating one element against another and using the horizontal and vertical lines of the sofa. I also used the head as a unit of measurement. I am still not drawing from the middle - keep forgetting - but I got the whole figure in here. The model was slightly leaning back and to one side, on the arm of the sofa. This meant the central axis of the body was slightly to one side and curved up as it moved down towards the legs. There was foreshortening to take account of due to the fact I was sitting in front of the model whose legs were raised up and pointing in my direction. To draw the position of the legs believably I think it helped that one of knees was bent up and the legs were crossed. By seeing and depicting where the knee of the bent leg was positioned in relation to the torso and the foot was further behind the other straight leg, all helped to give a realistic impression of the pose.